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The 10 Best Beard Styles For 2021

Best Beard Styles For 2021

How Did We Choose The Best Beard Styles For 2021?

We've seen the rising surge in beards and many different beard styles in the past 20-30 years with men all around the world. Beards and moustaches I've always been popular among men but in more recent years the popularity has risen to an all-time high.

We most certainly seen a huge rise in beard growth through 2020 with the Coronavirus and many men not having to go into the office to work and therefore taking more time to grow in their beard and letting things go a bit. So with the rise and beards on men in 2020 many men were discovering for the first time different styles and looking up different trends so that they could sport there beard in a fashionable way.

So what we've done here is taking a look at the most recent trends and upcoming trends from 2020 and applied them to 2021 and put together a list of what we believe is the top 10 best beard styles for 2021.

Now don't get us wrong there are probably a few more that we could have added to the list but we've broken them down into shorter styles as well as longer styles for you to choose from so let's take a look at what we believe are the 10 best beard styles for 2021 shall we :

Short Beard Styles For 2021

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The 5 O'Clock Shadow

5 o'clock shadow beard style

The stubble or 5 O'clock Shadow as we call it wasn't quite the super cool style back in the 50s that it is today. A 5 O'clock Shadow was once perceived to be a look that only a lazy man would sport and many employers wood force their employees to shave before they come into work thus not allowing the stubble look or 5 o'clock shadow at all in the workplace.

The 5 O'clock Shadow beard style has become super popular in 2021 and many Hollywood actors and stars and celebrities sport this look. We would say that the 5 O'clock Shadow beard style is probably one of the easiest looks that any man and Sport in 2021 and even if you have a bit of a patchy beard the 5 O'clock Shadow works well regardless. George Clooney has been sporting this beard style for years and we think it suits him perfectly.

We have to say that this is among one of the sexiest beard styles preferred by women for 2021 and it's a great in between look for men that have a woman that's not super excited about their man having a beard. It's kind of a transitional phase so if you're just getting started this is a good beard style to try in 2021.

Best Beard Style For 2021 -  The Short Boxed Beard Style

short boxed beard style


Another great beard style for 2021 is the boxed beard. Some people ask what exactly is a boxed beard? Well this type of beard style is more of a neatly trimmed alternative to the full beard. It's a much more suitable option for the man that wants a sort of classic style beard look but doesn't really want the full volume and tedious care of a more full beard.

Box beards are cropped a Little Closer and have a bit of sculpting to them. We consider this beard style on the neater side of things and most certainly compliments a wide variety of different hairstyles and occasions. The Box beard style is suitable for work and dress occasions so we would consider this style quite versatile.

We've seen a huge rise in recent years with the Box beard style among men and we believe that in 2021 the Box beard style is among the best and will be quite popular this year.

Beard Style For 2021 - The Royale Beard Style

royale beard goatee

Another really cool style that's gaining popularity in 2021 is the Royale beard style. This beard style is characterized by combining a moustache with a chin strap. Christian Bale has been spotted many times sporting this look and we think it suits him well due to his face shape and unique look. This is another great style and easy style to add if you are experiencing patchy or beard growth and want something that will suit your needs.

A chin strap is that section of hair that runs vertically down your chin you can make it as thin or as thick as you like it's totally up to you. We suggest going with a classic moustache or more classic look with this style but you can choose any moustache type you like.

We also believe that symmetry is key when matching the chin strap with the moustache in order to create a more even look. So try something a bit different this year with your beard by giving this beard style a try in 2021 and you won't regret it.

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Balbo Beard

balbo beard style

Alright so this is a look too add a of touch of class and style if that's what you're looking for. It's definitely a more distinctive look and we suggest that men choose the balbo beard style if they have a more chiseled type face. This style is characterized buy a goatee but it has a disconnecting moustache.

This beard style is quite similar to the Van Dyke and it's another great Style if you're experiencing a bit of patchiness when growing in a full beard. A lot of famous actors also like to sport this style. We believe 2021 will be the rise of the balbo beard as we saw a significant increase in this style in 2020.

Another note to add just remember that with this is a style of beard, you need to keep it trimmed frequently. You do not want to be caught growing this too long or it can look disproportionate. In short the balbo beard style looks best when kept neat.

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Classic Moustache

classic moustache

The classic moustache, there's absolutely no denying that in recent years moustache has have made a huge comeback. What we find really great about the classic moustache is that even if you want to grow in your beard or a chin strap or even just grow a bit of stubble you can still support whatever moustache Style you wish. 2021 will be the year that moustaches come back in a big way.

There's so much to say here about the classic moustache but the classic moustache is characterized by allowing your moustache to grow in but not having a grow over the lip. This moustache style is quite similar to the Chevron but we consider it a more approachable version and a little more trimmed above the lip.

The classic moustache Style is unpretentious and universally suits most men in a wide range of occasions and seasons. We saw a huge Spike for the classic moustache in 2020 and we believe this trend will continue into 2021 and become widely popular.

Long Beard Styles For 2021

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Viking Beard

viking beard

Well I suppose we might be a little biased here with the Viking beard style but it's most certainly a great style and we believe that you will see a rise of this beard style in 2021. One of the main reasons why we believe this style will become more popular in 2021 is because in 2020 we saw many men growing their beards in because of the lockdown.

The Viking beard style is a bit of an unruly style and unkempt sort of beard that has a masculine vibe to it. We believe that this beard style balances itself out very nicely with a shorter haircut. The shorter hairstyle accentuates the longer unkept style of the beard and gives this beard style a more modern approach. That's why we recommend going with shorter hair with this style as it seems to look best and is becoming more trendy this year.

The Viking beard can be long or short and well heck we've even seen men braid their beard which would also be considered a Viking Style.

You choose whatever lengths you'd like but certain characteristics remain the same with this beard style which would be a little more on the unkept side of things along with a thick appearance. So this year give the Viking beard style a try for 2021 and start setting the trend!

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Power Beard

power beard

All right so next up is the power beard. The power beard isn't typically a super long beard but we consider it mid-length beard so that's why it's on this list. This beard style is perfect for 2021 because it's got that perfect look between rugged and modern contemporary.

The power beard is also somewhat of a natural style beard and typically runs between 3 to 6 inches in length. We believe that this beard style will be big and 2021 once again because of the rise in more natural beards due to the lockdown in 2020. Now some beards will straight and some wavy or even curly and fashion but either way the power beard prevails.

You can shape the power beard in any way you'd like but Power beards technically are best when left alone and left to be more natural in style. So give the power beard to try for your beard style in 2021 to be on trend.

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Classic Beard

classic beard

No beard trend blog would be complete without the classic beard style on their list. The classic beard never seems to go out of style and in 2021 is another beard style that is making a comeback. The style is characterized by being not too long and not too short but has good thick coverage throughout.

This beard style is best for the person that likes to keep they're beard groomed and trimmed. Remember to keep your neck clean and trimmed with this style in order to continue with that classic beard look. You will want to use a good beard oil or beard balm with the style in order to keep the look true 2 style.

The classic beard has stood the test of time over the course of the last 50 years and will continue to stand the test of time throughout 2021 and Beyond. So give the classic beer to try this year as one of our best beard styles and trends this year and Beyond.

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Yeard

yeard beard style

You are going to see this style emerge in 2021 most definitely due to many people being locked inside throughout 2020 and the first half of 2021. The yeard beard style is characterized simply by allowing your facial hair to grow uncut for one full year. It's a more of an unruly style and unkept style but probably the biggest Advantage for 2021 is that many people are working from home. This is allowed a lot of men to grow in their beards and allowed them to keep them or unkept style so the emergence of the Yeard.

The Yeard Beard style will be huge for 2021. Just remember once you've allowed your beard to grow for one full year you can then begin to trim and style that beard into the look and feel that you desire. The yeard beard it's perfect for the gentleman that wants to grow a long beard and is really unsure on what that length and growth will look like once grown in.

The one full year of beard growth will give you a good idea on the shape and feel of your beard in the thickness of your beard and then you can determine I'm more adequate Style once you got some good growth. This year is the year of the yeard beard so give it a try in 2021.

Best Beard Style For 2021 - The Hipster Beard

hipster beard

The hipster beard & beard styles have been trending a lot in the last 10 years or so and will continue on in 2021 now we must say it's a bit difficult to pinpoint exactly why the hipster beard has become so stylish in recent years but we can give you a few tips on keeping one.

The hipster beard style is best paired with a hairstyle that is on trend and up and coming. Many hipster beards are also characterized by a distinctive moustache that's out growing the beard so a little bit more of an unbalanced but it gives the gentleman a more distinguish look to their beard.

We would say the hipster beard is not just a single look but it's a beard look that is on trend with a more modern type hairstyle.

2021 will be known as the year of the hipster beard just like in recent years so give it a try and make sure you get some hipster clothes to go along with it.

Final Thoughts

Beards hit an all time popularity last year and is continuing in the year 2021. We've shown you some of the best beard styles for 2021, from the Viking to the stubble to the classic stache. So to all those Canadian beardsmen out there....keep on growing!

If you'd like to reach out to us with any questions or comments or just need some general advice on beard grooming tips and tricks, you can contact us directly at:

We're always here to help out our fellow Canadians, so thanks to all our Viking Beard Brand Supporters!

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