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What Makes a Great Beard Oil

Many Canadian Men Are Asking What Makes a Great Beard Oil?


What Makes The Best Organic Beard Oil 

There is hardly a man on earth who wouldn't want to sprout a beard, a lustrous and rich beard, not those sickly looking kinds. The truth remains that growing such a beard to some are easy, and to others, a Herculean task. Smart beardsmen have come to understand that the secret to a rich beard is the best beard oil made from natural oils and organic ingredients that will nurture the skin and hair follicle. 

Have you looked at someone that has continuously groomed his beard into a healthy one and a person with no beard at all....or a sickly looking unhealthy beard? There is a great chance that you will think the former is more handsome than the latter. Usually, the difference between both persons is that the former found the secret of a healthy beard "organic beard oil" and the others didn't. 

Why You Need The Best Organic Beard Oil 

Genetics has helped some people more easily grow beard hair than others. This is why it is common to see some men growing healthy beards while others can't. Using the best organic beard oil can help you grow facial hair, not minding if your genetics permit you or not. 

The weather or climate conditions have a big role to play in whether a guy grows a healthy looking beard or not. 

A guy that lives in a very frigid or cold climate like Canada will have more problems growing a rich beard naturally because of the harsh weather conditions. 

Those that live in regions with a predominance of hard water usually have problems growing healthy beards. This can be a big issue for our fellow Canadians. 

Those that live in these areas and have grown healthy beards used the best organic beard oils. That's the secret. Why is this so? Such conditions are not favorable; hence they remove the moisture that the beard hair holds, making the beard brittle. Before you know it, the beard is easily breaking, becoming very hard, and now damaged follicles. By choosing a premium organic beard oil you'll save yourself this stress. 

What Makes The Best Organic Beard Oil 

When beard oil is massaged into your beard, two things are sure; your beard will not be only shiny, but smooth. If your beard is touched, it will be soft, preventing it from being brittle and breaking off. Who wouldn't want to attract attention to their soft and smooth beard? Everyone would want to bask in such attention. 

Apart from the physical appearance of the beard, using pure organic beard oil with healthy natural ingredients will ensure that your beard is healthy as well as the underlining hair follicle. 

While you search for beard oil, it is advisable that you opt for one with a great scent. Why is this necessary? Usually, you will rub the oil on the beard and face which is close to the nose, which means that you will retain the smell throughout the day. Not to mention you want to smell great for anyone who's around you and for anyone getting close...right!

If you opt for a beard oil with a foul smell, your nose will suffer the stench. Strong fragrances that are very close to the face can have a negative affect on your well being throughout the day and most beard oils are just simply too strong! If you have a lover, it won't be a bad idea if you got the scent that you and your lover fancy. This will ensure that both you and your lover are comfortable. No one will want to kiss someone that smells awful!

Simply put the best organic beard oil is one that is made from natural ingredients. A lot of the best organic beard oils are made from any of the following ingredients: 

Avocado oil, Argan, Jojoba, Almond and so on. 

Every ingredient listed above is filled with a lot of nutrients  and essential oils that are great for both the skin and hair as well as the hair follicle. In some best organic beard oils, you may notice ingredients that are specialized like: 

Grape seed oil, Hempseed, Sandalwood, and so on. 

Usually, the best organic oils that contain these ingredients are made to tackle particular issues such as sensitive skin, beard itch and so on. Not to mention these oils are great to moisturize the skin and bead hair. And heck who knows maybe you'll even grow in a little extra hair to help thicken that scruff. So in the end choose your beard oil wisely and like anything in life it's all about the ingredients! 

best organic beard oil