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How To Grow A Mustache

how to grow a mustache

How To Grow A Mustache


A well-groomed mustache can be a bold and distinctive accessory that adds character to your face. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned facial hair enthusiast, growing and maintaining a mustache requires patience, care, and some know-how. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of growing a mustache, addressing common challenges and offering tips to help you achieve the mustache style of your dreams. From choosing the right style to maintenance techniques, we've got you covered!

Choosing the Right Mustache Style

Selecting the perfect mustache style is a pivotal decision in your journey to facial hair excellence. Your choice should harmonize with your face shape, personal style, and the image you wish to project. Let's delve into some popular mustache styles to help you make an informed selection:

1.1 The Classic Mustache

The classic mustache is an enduring symbol of timeless masculinity. It exudes sophistication and has a rich history, notably gracing the upper lips of iconic figures like Clark Gable and Tom Selleck. This style typically features a moderately thick, well-groomed strip of facial hair that stretches across the upper lip, with the edges often neatly squared off.

The classic mustache is universally flattering, making it a versatile choice for various face shapes. Whether you have a round, oval, square, or heart-shaped face, this style can be tailored to enhance your features. It's a safe bet for those who want a timeless, elegant look.

1.2 The Handlebar Mustache

For those with a penchant for a dash of flair and vintage charm, the handlebar mustache is a standout choice. This style is characterized by its elongated, upward-curled tips that resemble the handlebars of a bicycle. Think of the dapper gentlemen from the early 20th century, and you'll have a clear image of this distinctive look.

The handlebar mustache suits individuals with certain face shapes, particularly those with angular or square-shaped faces. The prominent curls can add balance and structure to the overall facial appearance. To maintain this style, you'll need to invest time in training your mustache to curl, often utilizing mustache wax for that perfect twist.

1.3 The Chevron Mustache

For those who prefer a bolder statement, the Chevron mustache is an excellent choice. It's thick, robust, and characterized by its solid, unbroken line of facial hair that stretches across the upper lip. You might recognize it as the signature style of the famous Magnum P.I., Tom Selleck.

The Chevron mustache complements square and oval face shapes beautifully. It exudes confidence and charisma, making it an ideal choice for those who want to project a strong, assertive image.

1.4 The Pencil Mustache

If minimalism and precision are more your style, the pencil mustache might be your best fit. This style involves a narrow, neat line of facial hair just above the upper lip, often resembling a fine pencil stroke. Think of iconic figures like Errol Flynn or John Waters, who have made this style their own.

The pencil mustache is relatively understated and suits a variety of face shapes. It's a great choice for those who prefer a clean-cut, refined look. However, it requires careful maintenance to keep the line sharp and well-defined.

Choosing the right mustache style is a personal decision, one that reflects your personality and style preferences. So, take your time in making your choice, as it's the foundation upon which your mustache-growing journey will be built. Whether you opt for the classic, handlebar, Chevron, or pencil mustache, remember that each style comes with its own unique charm and character, ultimately enhancing your overall appearance.

Growing Your Mustache

As you embark on your mustache-growing journey, patience and commitment are your closest companions. Growing a mustache is not an overnight transformation; it's a process that unfolds over several weeks. Here, we'll explore the various aspects of cultivating that coveted upper-lip accessory:

2.1 Patience is Key

The first and most vital aspect of growing a mustache is patience. Understand that you won't wake up with a full, lush mustache in just a few days. The growth rate of facial hair varies from person to person, but it typically takes a few weeks to a few months to achieve the desired length and thickness.

The initial phase, often referred to as the "awkward stage," can be challenging. During this period, your mustache might appear uneven or patchy, and you'll be tempted to give up. Don't! This stage is temporary, and persistence is the key to success. Remember, every mustache maestro started from this point.

2.2 Diet and Nutrition

Believe it or not, what you eat can significantly influence the growth of your mustache. To promote healthy facial hair growth, focus on a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, such as:

  • Protein: Hair is primarily made of protein, so ensure you're consuming an adequate amount through lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based sources like legumes and nuts.

  • Vitamins: Vitamins like A, C, E, and Biotin are vital for hair growth. These can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • Minerals: Iron, zinc, and selenium support hair health. Incorporate foods like spinach, nuts, and seafood into your diet.

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential. Water is a fundamental component of hair cells.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats, found in fish and flaxseeds, can help prevent dry, brittle facial hair.

A well-balanced diet not only encourages the growth of your mustache but also contributes to overall hair health.

2.3 Regular Grooming

Proper grooming is another essential part of growing a mustache. While it might seem counterintuitive to trim your facial hair while growing it, regular maintenance is crucial to achieve the desired shape and style. Here are some key grooming steps to consider:

  • Trimming: Regularly trim stray hairs to maintain a neat appearance. As your mustache grows, trimming can help you shape it and prevent it from becoming unruly.

  • Moisturizing: Keep the skin beneath your mustache well-moisturized. Dry skin can lead to itchiness and discomfort. Use a gentle, facial-hair-specific shampoo and conditioner to keep your mustache clean and soft.

  • Avoid Over-Shaving: While it's essential to keep your mustache tidy, avoid over-shaving. Frequent shaving can lead to irritation and hinder growth.

2.4 Avoid Over-Trimming

One common mistake many mustache-growers make is over-trimming. It's natural to want a neat and tidy appearance, but trimming too often can hinder growth and limit your mustache's potential. Instead, aim for a balance between neatness and growth. Here's how to achieve that:

  • Set a trimming schedule: Decide on a schedule for trimming, whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and stick to it. Consistency will help you maintain your desired length while allowing for growth.

  • Use quality grooming tools: Invest in high-quality scissors and trimmers designed for facial hair. These tools will help you achieve precision and prevent accidental over-trimming.

  • Consult a barber: If you're unsure about how to trim your mustache properly, consider visiting a professional barber. They can help you achieve your desired style without sacrificing growth.

Remember, the journey to a well-groomed mustache is not a sprint; it's a marathon. The key to success lies in nurturing your mustache with patience, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and adopting a grooming routine that fosters growth while ensuring your upper-lip asset remains well-kempt.

Mustache Care and Maintenance

Your journey to mustache magnificence doesn't end with growth. To sport a dashing, well-kept mustache, you must learn the art of care and maintenance. Let's delve into the details of nurturing and preserving your prized facial hair.

3.1 Cleaning and Washing

Proper cleanliness is the foundation of mustache care. A clean mustache not only looks better but also ensures the health of the skin beneath. To achieve this:

  • Choose the Right Products: Invest in high-quality facial hair shampoo and conditioner. These products are specifically formulated to clean and soften your mustache without causing dryness or irritation. Harsh, regular shampoos can strip your facial hair of its natural oils, leading to brittleness and discomfort.

  • Regular Washing: Wash your mustache regularly, but not excessively. Overwashing can strip away essential oils. Aim for 2-3 times a week or as needed, depending on your lifestyle and skin type.

  • Gentle Patting: After washing, avoid harsh rubbing to dry your mustache. Instead, gently pat it with a soft, clean towel to minimize friction and prevent damage.

3.2 Combing and Brushing

Regular combing and brushing are essential for maintaining a well-groomed mustache. This practice helps untangle hairs, distribute natural oils, and keeps your mustache in its desired shape:

  • The Right Tools: Invest in a quality mustache comb and brush. Combs with fine teeth are excellent for detangling, while brushes help evenly distribute oils and keep the hairs in place.

  • Comb and Brush Daily: Make it a daily routine to comb and brush your mustache. Start from the center and work outward, following the natural direction of your hair growth.

  • Training the Mustache: If you're aiming for a styled mustache like the handlebar, frequent combing in the desired direction will help "train" your mustache hairs to grow in the desired direction. Apply a small amount of mustache wax if needed to achieve that perfect curl.

3.3 Styling Products

Mustache wax and oil are indispensable allies for maintaining your desired style and ensuring a healthy, well-groomed look. Here's how to use them effectively:

  • Mustache Wax: Mustache wax is ideal for achieving a shaped, firm hold. To apply, soften a small amount of wax between your fingers and work it into your mustache, shaping it as desired. Remember, a little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and add more if needed.

  • Mustache Oil: Mustache oil is perfect for softening and conditioning your facial hair while giving it a healthy sheen. Simply apply a few drops of oil to your mustache and work it in evenly. This helps prevent dryness, itchiness, and split ends.

  • Balancing Act: Balance your use of wax and oil. Mustache wax is ideal for shaping, while oil nourishes. You can even mix them, starting with oil to condition, followed by wax to shape.

3.4 Trimming and Shaping

Keeping your mustache in the desired style requires regular trimming and shaping. Here's a step-by-step guide to this essential maintenance:

  • Invest in Quality Tools: High-quality scissors and trimmers designed for facial hair are your best friends in shaping your mustache. These tools provide precision and reduce the risk of over-trimming.

  • Start with a Clean Mustache: Before trimming, ensure your mustache is clean and dry. Comb it to remove tangles and ensure an even cut.

  • Shape Gradually: Start by trimming small sections at a time. It's easier to take off more hair later if needed but impossible to regrow it instantly.

  • Maintain Consistency: Set a schedule for trimming, and stick to it to keep your mustache looking sharp and neat. Remember, you're not starting from scratch; you're maintaining your established style.

  • Consult a Professional: If you're unsure about shaping your mustache yourself, consider seeking the expertise of a barber. They can help you achieve your desired look with precision.

Troubleshooting and Common Challenges

While the journey to growing and maintaining a mustache can be rewarding, it's not without its challenges. Understanding and overcoming common issues is crucial to ensuring your mustache remains healthy and looking its best. Here's how to address some of the typical challenges that may arise:

4.1 Patchy Growth

One of the most common challenges during the early stages of growing a mustache is patchy growth. Some areas of your upper lip may sprout hair more sparsely than others. Here's how to tackle this issue:

  • Patience: In many cases, patchy areas will fill in over time. Be patient and allow your mustache to grow to a more substantial length. You may find that these patchy spots become less noticeable as your facial hair thickens.

  • Select the Right Style: Choose a mustache style that works with the hair distribution on your upper lip. Some styles, like the Chevron, may be more forgiving for patchy growth as they cover a larger area.

  • Concealing Techniques: You can use mustache wax or styling products to help disguise patchy areas. Experiment with combing and shaping to cover the gaps.

4.2 Itchy Skin

Itchiness is a common complaint among new mustache growers, often resulting from dryness, irritation, or ingrown hairs. Here's how to deal with it:

  • Hydration: Ensure your skin stays well-hydrated by drinking enough water and using a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

  • Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh facial cleansers that can strip away natural oils. Opt for a gentle, moisturizing face wash to keep your skin healthy.

  • Exfoliation: Regular exfoliation can help prevent ingrown hairs. Use a mild exfoliating scrub a few times a week to keep the skin beneath your mustache clear.

  • Mustache Oil: Applying mustache oil can alleviate dryness and reduce itching. The oil nourishes both the hair and the skin.

  • Avoid Over-Trimming: Over-trimming can lead to sharp, stubbly ends that can irritate the skin. Maintain your mustache without cutting it too short.

4.3 Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs can be uncomfortable and unsightly. They occur when a hair curls back into the skin rather than growing outward. To manage and prevent ingrown hairs:

  • Exfoliation: As mentioned earlier, regular exfoliation can help prevent ingrown hairs. Use a soft-bristle brush or exfoliating scrub to keep the skin beneath your mustache clean and free of debris.

  • Proper Shaving Techniques: If you need to shave around your mustache for shaping or maintenance, use proper shaving techniques. Shave in the direction of hair growth to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

  • Loosen Tight Collars: Tight shirt collars and neckties can rub against your mustache, increasing the risk of ingrown hairs. Loosen your collar or avoid wearing tight neckwear whenever possible.

  • Consult a Dermatologist: If you experience severe or recurring ingrown hairs, consult a dermatologist. They can provide guidance and recommend treatments to address the issue effectively.

4.4 Mustache Color

It's not unusual for the color of your mustache to differ from the hair on your head or beard. Some people have lighter or darker facial hair than the hair on their scalp. If you'd like to address this color difference, consider the following options:

  • Mustache Dye: Mustache dyes are available in various shades. Choose a color that matches your preference and follow the instructions for application carefully. Dyeing your mustache can help achieve a more uniform appearance.

  • Embrace the Difference: Alternatively, embrace the uniqueness of your mustache. A lighter or darker shade can add character to your facial hair and create an intriguing contrast.

Mustache Etiquette and Confidence

Your mustache is not just a collection of facial hair; it's a statement of style and personality. In this section, we'll explore the social etiquette and confidence that go hand in hand with sporting a well-groomed mustache:

5.1 Confidence Boost

A well-groomed mustache can be a powerful confidence booster. It serves as an expression of your unique style and personality, setting you apart from the crowd. Here's how growing and maintaining a mustache can enhance your self-assuredness:

  • Personal Expression: Your mustache is a canvas for personal expression. It reflects your individuality and allows you to showcase your creativity. Whether you choose a classic, bold, or quirky style, it's a statement that speaks to your character.

  • Conversations Starter: Mustaches often draw attention and spark conversations. People may ask about your style, grooming routine, or even share their own mustache stories. Embrace these interactions as opportunities to connect with others.

  • Historical Legacy: Mustaches have a rich history and cultural significance. By sporting one, you're paying homage to historical figures and traditions, instilling a sense of pride and connection.

  • Style Evolution: The act of growing and maintaining a mustache can be a form of self-improvement. As you navigate the journey, you develop patience, grooming skills, and an understanding of your own style preferences, all of which contribute to increased confidence.

5.2 Mustache Etiquette

While your mustache can boost your confidence, it's essential to be aware of mustache etiquette in various social settings. Understanding and respecting these unwritten rules can help you navigate situations with ease:

  • Professional Settings: In many professional environments, a neat, well-groomed mustache is entirely acceptable. However, if you work in an industry with strict grooming standards, be prepared to make necessary adjustments. Maintaining a tidy appearance is key.

  • Food and Drink: When indulging in meals or drinks, your mustache can become a culinary obstacle. Use napkins or mustache guards (small, clip-on accessories designed to protect your facial hair) to avoid getting food or drinks caught in your mustache. This shows consideration for hygiene.

  • Maintaining Cleanliness: Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial. A dirty or unkempt mustache may inadvertently convey a negative impression. Keep your mustache clean, well-groomed, and in line with your chosen style.

  • Respecting Personal Space: Be mindful of personal space, especially in crowded or close-quarter situations. Your mustache should not invade someone else's personal space, and neither should theirs invade yours.

  • Accepting Diversity: Respect the choices and styles of others. Mustaches come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Embrace the diversity and appreciate the beauty in each person's unique style.

5.3 Building Confidence

Confidence plays a pivotal role in how you carry your mustache. Here are some tips to help you build and maintain that essential self-assuredness:

  • Self-Care: In addition to mustache grooming, take care of your overall well-being. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and self-care practices can significantly boost your self-confidence.

  • Mental Resilience: Develop mental resilience to handle occasional negative comments or unsolicited opinions about your mustache. Remember that it's your choice and an expression of your style.

  • Practice Good Posture: Maintain good posture, as it can make you appear more confident. A straight back and relaxed shoulders convey self-assuredness.

  • Smile and Maintain Eye Contact: Smiling and maintaining eye contact during conversations make you appear confident and approachable. People tend to respond positively to individuals who exude positivity and self-assurance.

  • Wardrobe Choices: Your clothing can complement your mustache style. Select attire that matches your personality and enhances your overall look, boosting your confidence.

  • Seek Support: Join online communities or social groups of fellow mustache enthusiasts. Sharing your experiences and challenges with others who share your passion can be motivating and affirming.


Growing a mustache is an exciting journey that can transform your appearance and boost your confidence. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to achieving your desired mustache style. Remember, patience and proper care are key to a healthy and stylish mustache. Whether you're going for the classic, handlebar, Chevron, or pencil mustache, your upper lip can become a canvas for self-expression and individuality. Embrace the process, and soon, you'll have a mustache that turns heads and reflects your unique personality.

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